Cyber Threat Watch

Actionable cyber threat intelligence feeds


Find Out More About Us

Cyber Threat Intelligence is a process of collection, processing and analyzing the indicators of compromise for understanding attackers behavior and other TTP's.

With the increase in cyber-attacks and new tactics, it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify malicious activities carried out by the attackers. Cyber Threat Watch is a Cyber Threat Intelligence Project (currently in beta) created for researching about cyber threat actors, campaigns and for supporting InfoSec community professionals to efficiently protect, identify and hunt malicious actors in IT environments. In order to simplify the process and provide actionable intelligence for rapid breach detection indicators of compromise in the form of IP, Domain, File Hash - MD5/SHA blocklists have been curated from Threat feeds using multiple sources including but not limited to the public blocklists, OSINT sources (Twitter and Pastebin), community threat feeds generated by individuals, organization(s) and honeypot(s).


Feed Sources


Hourly Feeds Generation


Million above IOC


Years of historic threat data


Download our Threat Intelligence Feeds

The threat feeds are generated Daily@ 11 PM UTC, feeds with "High Confidence" in their names are likely to have less false positives.

Disclaimer: A significant amount of effort has been put to filter out false positives but the same is not assured, users are advised to ingest feed data after sufficient review and testing. Any data offered by our website is served as it is on best effort basis. We cannot be held liable for any false positive or damage caused by the use of the website or the datasets offered. All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now or will be affiliated.

OSINT Threat Feed

Malicious indicators of compromise gathered from OSINT Source - Twitter and Pastebin

C2 Hunt Feed

Infrastructure hosting Command & Control Servers found during Proactive Hunt by

IP Blocklist

Malicious IP Blocklist for known Bad IP addresses

Domain Blocklist

Malicious Domains identified for phishing/ serving malware/ command and control

MD5 Hash Blocklist

MD5 hashes of malicious files or associated with - malware, ransomware, hack tools, bots etc.

URL Blocklist

Malicious URL's serving malware, phishing, botnets and C2

Bitcoin Address Intel

Bitcoin addresses identified to be linked with malicious activity

SHA File Hash Blocklist

SHA hashes of files known or linked with malware execution

Use Cases

Check out some Use Cases

Threat feeds are in machine readable format and can be ingested readily in security appliances like firewalls, SIEM, Ad Blockers, PiHole etc. The Malicious Hash feeds can be ingested in Forensic tools readily by creating a hash set and then can be used for finding malicious files matching ingested hash values.

threat intel Pihole

Threat feeds integration with PiHole

Pi-hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole and optionally a DHCP server. PiHole can be integrated with our threat feeds using its inbuilt custom adlist feature. Login to your PiHole and add navigate to http://pihole-address/admin/groups-adlists.php. Create a new adlist with the URL of our domain and URL blocklist feed and add comment " - Custom Feed". PiHole will start to block all domains listed in our threat feeds for your protection.
Threat Intel feeds in Firewall

Threat feeds integration with Security Appliances

Firewall, SIEM Solutions and other security appliances have inbuilt capability for addition of custom Blocklist/Blacklists/Threat feeds. We suggest using our Domain or IP threat feeds in your firewalls for additional detection and alerting. Security appliances have inbuilt features for automatic pull and update can also be used to stay upto date. We generate feeds every 24 hours except for our OSINT Feed, which is generated every 1 hour, you may configure your devices for scheduled automatic pull once in 24 hours or according to your preference. Perform Threat Hunting using our feeds on Azure Sentinel
Threat Intel feeds in Firewall

Threat feeds integration with Forensics tools

Our threat intelligence feeds can assist Digital forensics and Incident response professionals in identifying malicious indicators of compromise on the digital device. Our MD5 Hash, SHA Hash and OSINT feed can be readily integrated in majority of commercial and opensource Forensics tools. Forensics professionals may utilize the functionality of "Ingest/Import Hash Sets" which will assist them in identifying files matching with the hashes from our threat feeds and will help in reducing overall turnaround time.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the interval of Threat Feeds generation?

    Threat Feeds are generated in 24hours at 11:00 PM UTC daily.

  • Threat feeds are in machine readable format and can be ingested readily in security appliances like firewalls, SIEM, Ad Blockers, PiHole etc. The Malicious Hash feeds can be ingested in Forensic tools readily by creating a hash set and then can be used for finding malicious files matching ingested hash values. More information is available in Use Case section above.

  • If you have noted any false positives, please send us an email and we will clear it out from the feeds. Collaboration and useful feedback are the key of supporting each other.

  • Any data offered by our website is served as it is on best effort. We cannot be held liable for any false positive or damage caused by the use of the website or the datasets offered. All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now or will be affiliated.

  • We are open for collaboration, if you have any indicators of compromise or working on a campaign and need hands. Please feel free to reach out on our email or Twitter.


Contact Us

If you have any suggestions, indicators of compromise, report false positives or want to get in touch

Email Us
